Who Are We?
Any child old enough to love is old enough to grieve.
While in their own grief, parents may not realize how their children are feeling. Children may hide their grief because they blame themselves, are afraid, or hiding anger. Recovering from a loss takes time and it has been shown that having a sense of community is essential to help children get back their lives.
Because Kids Grieve is a support organization for children, teens, and their families who grieve the loss of someone they love because of death. We have a variety of events scheduled for each quarter of the year.
There is no cost to the families that use our services. Our funding comes from foundations, organizations and private donations. We do not receive state or federal government funding.
Your generous donations help make our cause possible, please consider donating today.
To assist in creating a safe culture in southern Idaho, where children and teenagers, ages 6 through 17, who have experienced the death of someone they care about, can share their feelings of grief and loss, including grief experienced in preparation for these losses, with their peers and supportive adult volunteer advocates as they progress toward eventual healing on their journey through grief.
To support children and teenagers, ages 6 through 17, to feel safe and not alone in exploring thoughts and feelings related to their bereavement, and to have skills that assist them in moving through their grief to restored hope and eventual healing.
In the midst of their own grieving, parents may not realize how their children are feeling. They may hide their grief because they blame themselves, are afraid, or are hiding anger. Recovering from a loss takes time and it has been shown that community is essential to help children get back their lives.
Because Kids Grieve is a support organization for children, teens, and their families who grieve the loss of someone they love because of death. We have a variety of events scheduled for each quarter of the year. There is no cost to the families that use our services. Our funding comes from foundations, organizations and private donations. We do not receive state of federal government funding.
Because Kids Grieve assists children and their families as they journey through grief by encouraging the sharing of feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss. Our groups provide a safe environment to mourn, and where thoughts and feelings about their loss are shared in a way that helps them be compassionate with themselves and others. Every child has an adult “buddy”. They become involved with each other and realize that they aren’t the only ones alone in their grief.
Because Kids Grieve offers mutual respect and acceptance for each individual family’s belief system. In our program, we learn and heal ourselves by listening and sharing. Our goals are to support and nurture children and their families in a loving and understanding environment as they experience grief.
Because Kids Grieve holds seminars and workshops to provide education and training on grief and the grief process for community agencies, schools and families. We provide crisis intervention and consultations to schools in Southern Idaho.
Beginning as a collaboration by 4 hospices and morticians in the Magic Valley in 2001 to address the need of bereavement services to children and teens, Kids Count Too! Inc. (KCT) has developed events and programs over the years. Incorporated as a Non-Profit in 2002, Kids Count Too! is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors with By-Laws recognized by the State of Idaho. Its mission is to provide bereavement support to children and teens and parents/guardians where they have a safe place to understand their emotions and learn skills for a healthy life. KCT offers a variety of experiences not only for the kids (since 2007 over 400 kids participated) but also for parents/guardians and other adults and professionals who provide bereavement support for the community. KCT has reached out to the 7 counties in Southern Idaho. School Counselors and many agency counselors as well as parents and guardians make student and family referrals to our events. There are approximately 40 trained volunteers with background checks who have completed more than 10 hours of training each year with topics relevant for the southern Idaho.
The KCT Board of Directors determined that circumstances required the name of the organization should be changed to Because Kids Grieve in December 2018 to eliminate possible conflict with other groups with the same or similar name.
Because Kids Grieve is a collaborative effort, working with hospices, funeral homes, school counselors, churches, County Coroners’ offices, social agencies including military social agencies, and other entities. Because Kids Grieve became a member of the National Alliance for Grieving Children in 2010 and volunteers have attended the annual national symposium each year since.
An annual Community Education Conference providing CEU’s for professionals was initiated in August 2015. Over 70 people have attended each year. The intent is to provide pertinent bereavement topics for professionals in southern Idaho to enhance knowledge and skills for those who provided services and assistance to grieving children and families. A nationally known professional in bereavement studies is often invited to lead the conference keynote presentation. Local experienced professionals enhance the conference with presentations on local issues.
Most recently, Because Kids Grieve has accepted a grant proposal to collaborate with Eluna to provide a three-day Camp Erin South Idaho in 2016. 32 Campers registered the first year, 52 campers the second, and 101 campers in 2018. Camp Erin is developing into a regionally attended event with campers coming from the Magic Valley, Treasure Valley, and Eastern Idaho.

Frequently asked questions
Because Kids Grieve is a support organization for children, teens, and their families who grieve the loss of someone they love because of death. We have a variety of events scheduled for each quarter of the year. There is no cost to the families that use our services. Our funding comes from foundations, organizations and private donations. We do not receive state of federal government funding.
Because Kids Grieve assists children and their families as they journey through grief by encouraging the sharing of feelings with others who have experienced a similar loss. Our groups provide a safe environment to mourn, and where thoughts and feelings about their loss are shared in a way that helps them be compassionate with themselves and others. Every child has an adult “buddy”. They become involved with each other and realize that they aren’t the only ones alone in their grief.
Because Kids Grieve offers mutual respect and acceptance for each individual family’s belief system. In our program, we learn and heal ourselves by listening and sharing. Our goals are to support and nurture children and their families in a loving and understanding environment as they experience grief.
Because Kids Grieve holds seminars and workshops to provide education and training on grief and the grief process for community agencies, schools and families. We provide crisis intervention and consultations to schools in Southern Idaho.
We attempt to provide…
•Day Camps each season of the year (or as need in the community arises).
•A summer overnight camp that engages kids in a safe, outdoor environment.
•Educational and counseling resources for the community.
•Connection with various members of the bereavement community.
The events are open to children 6 to 17 who have experienced the death of a loved one. There is no cost to attend.
There is no cost to attend. Because kids Grieve is a non-profit organization and is the recipient of generous grants and donations for children to attend.
Sponsors include:
St. Lukes Magic Valley Medical Center Community Health Initiative, Snake River Bros. Motorcycle Club,
The Gibney Family Foundation, Community Service Club, CSI. Premier Insurance
Because Kids Grieve events are not counseling sessions, although most of the leaders are counselors, social workers, hospice nurses and chaplains. The one thing we have in common is a desire to provide a safe place for children and teens to express grief and develop coping skills through this experience.
Mentors—adults who care about kids, especially those who have experienced the death of someone close to them may volunteer to participate in the events. Mentors participate in training and planning of each event to provide the best possible experience for kids. Each mentor needs to have a background check documented. (BKG will pay for the background check and test).
“Big Buddy”—mentors are “assigned” to each kid and they will have the opportunity to be with each other throughout the event.
“Any child mature enough to love is mature enough to grieve.” Wolfelt, A. Healing the Bereaved Child. 1996. (69)
Registration forms are available on this website or by contacting Because Kids Grieve on our Facebook page or by leaving a message at 208-352-2994.
There are many ways to volunteer to help in the Because Kids Grieve program. Contact us to request a volunteer application form.
Because Kids Grieve board members are available to speak to interested groups on topics related to children and grief.
Each Because Kids Grieve event focuses on a theme or aspect of the grieving process. A variety of resources and activities are utilized to help create an atmosphere where kids are encouraged, if comfortable, to share their memories and feelings. We combine high energy activities with grief education and emotional support to help children and teens cope with loss. The events are at times organized into age groups to engage in developmentally appropriate activities.
We offer…
Day Camps each season of the year or as needed in the community.
Educational and counseling resources for the community.
Connection with various members of the bereavement community.
Camp Erin® is the largest national bereavement program for youth grieving the death of someone close to them. This free, weekend long experience for children and teens ages 6-17 combines traditional, fun camp activities with grief education and emotional support.
Because Kids Grieve is a tax exempt 501 (c) 3 of the IRS code and can accept tax deductible donations. Financial support comes from diverse sources sharing the common interest of supporting our community’s children at a very significant time in their lives. Because Kids Grieve is the recipient of generous grants and donations for children to attend.
Board of Directors
Mike Seward – President
Autumn Mantey – Secretary
Sarah Kirby – Treasurer
April Lopas – Camp Erin Director
Revis Turner – Grant Writer
Rev. Jim O’Donnell – Promotion
James Wentworth – Board Member
Mike Parke – Business Sponsor
April Lopas – Southwest Region
Tiffany Eckles – South Central Region
Lacy Parker – Southeast Region